As we noted earlier today, Chris Jericho had Ryback on his “Talk is Jericho” podcast this week, and during the interview Jericho defended Ryback by saying he’s worked with him before and did not see the type of dangerous things CM Punk saw in Ryback. Jericho added that he enjoys working with The Big Guy, and Ryback had the following to say about Punk’s comments:
“I went and heard part of [Colt Cabana's podcast]. Punk was always good to me when he was here and I felt I was good to him. He was never like that to my face and I felt we always had good matches for the most part on the live events. To leave and say the things he said, I try not to take anything personal anymore. So whatever he’s going through, if he feels the need to say that, I can tell you it’s not true.”
In what has lead to speculation that there might be real life heat between Big Show and Roman Reigns stemming from a stiff punch thrown by Reigns which might have either chipped or knocked out one of Big Show’s teeth, the following images show their heated exchange on Raw:
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Source and Image credit: Wrestlezone
This was how Reigns responded.