What’s the story?
As reported earlier, Chris Jericho revealed in an Instagram post that he would be dedicating his Wrestle Kingdom 12 match with Kenny Omega to his 'fallen brothers' Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.
Jericho received criticism from many fans online over having Chris Benoit as part of the tribute.
In case you didn’t know…
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were very close friends for more than 15 years prior to Benoit's death. Jericho still often talks highly of Chris Benoit the person and performer before that horrible weekend in June 2007.
The heart of the matter
Chris Jericho had the following to say over the criticism in a post on social media.
"I get a couple smart ass remarks here for an Instagram post that I put up of this great fan art that somebody drew of me, with kind of the spirits of Eddie and Benoit behind me, and I said I dedicate the match to those guys.
Yeah, I know what Chris did, I think about it every single day. I was involved more than any one of you are so trust me. I understand the horrible, horrible events that took place. I'll never forgive it, I'll never understand it but I have my reasons for doing what I'm doing.
So don't anybody tell me, don't anybody make smart ass remarks about what I say and what I do, nobody tells me what to do. I have my reasons and I think about the loss of Nancy Benoit and Daniel Benoit every single f--king day. So that's enough of that, I'll never talk about it again."
What’s next?
As Chris stated, he doesn't intend on talking about this matter again. Aside from his own sake, Chris is also friends with Benoit's son David Benoit and doesn't want David to have to hear more about fans speaking ill towards his late father.
Author’s take
I believe many fans speak badly when it comes to Chris Benoit. He may have committed those acts, but as stated by many performers, most notable Diamond Dallas Page, the Chris Benoit from that weekend was not the same Chris Benoit everyone knew. His brain injuries made him a different, confused and broken person that weekend who had no control over what he was doing.
I really think fans need to lay off Chris Jericho when he likes to fondly and publicly remember the good times he had with Chris Benoit.