Former WWE Superstar Chris Masters recently conducted an “Ask Me Anything” chat on Reddit. Here are he highlights:
- If WWE stars took performance enhancers during his time with WWE: Most but not all.
- On who is the most underutilized talent in WWE: Drew McIntyre
- On the current product offered by WWE: If I was a fan like I was when I was growing up, I think I’d be bored from the current WWE.
- Reaction on hearing about Chris Benoit’s death: It was crazy as hell. Just saw his older kid last week.
- His favourite opponent: Shawn Michaels. While also praising working with Carlito and Dolph Ziggler.
- Least favourite opponent: Jack Swagger.
- How accessible Triple H and Vince McMahon are back-stage: HHH is accessible. Vince barely.
- How John Cena was back-stage: Stern and full of energy.
- If any real fights ever occurred back-stage: Masters confirmed that Big Show and Khali were involved in a fight and so were Baista and Booker T. Story behind Khali and Big Show fight is that Show was upset with Khali over one of the moves that Khali was using. Show went after Khali but slipped and fell after which Khali got the upper-hand.
- Why he left WWE: He said that he was frustrated with the way WWE creative team had handled him.
- On WWE return: Probably not!