#3 The Champ gets inspired
If this photo is any indication of the company Jinder Mahal keeps, then we have a champion with a heart. Nick Santonastasso is a 20-year-old who was born with no legs, no right arm and only one finger on his left arm.
But, his disability never hindered Nick from chasing his dreams. Nick now travels the world, inspiring people to be the best at whatever they are. Let’s not forget to mention that Nick is also a BODYBUILDER! Yes, this is a fact. Nick has been seen in videos with true heavyweights of the fitness industry, including CT Fletcher.
Judging by Jinder’s post, it appears the WWE Champion took in a quick workout session with Nick and he was obviously impressed, as well as inspired. The world could certainly use more strong souls such as Nick!Jinder’s post, it appears the WWE Champion took in a quick workout session with Nick and he was obviously impressed, as well as inspired. The world could certainly use more strong souls such as Nick!