Is CM Punk an atheist? Philip Jack Brooks who goes by the in-ring name CM Punk, is a wrestler synonymous with controversy, which is rather rare for a WWE superstar post the PG era. It was his infamous pipe bomb which shed light on the backstage politics present in the WWE, ironically also pushing him to the top of the wrestling pyramid. He went on to become the longest reigning WWE champion of the modern era, as he went unchallenged for a staggering 434 days.
Often wrestlers have an image or character that they have to portray, which is not entirely based on their real life personalities. However, this is not the case with CM Punk. His straight edge gimmick is an extension of his real self. He does not do drugs, smoke or even drink.
I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t use drugs. That may be boring for some people, but that’s just me. That’s how I live my life. That stuff never appealed to me and I never understood getting so messed up that you can’t even walk home or remember the previous night. I choose to live my life without it.
You might be inclined to believe that Punk is a god-fearing Christian who visits Church and reads his Bible judging by his beliefs and behavior, but you could not be more wrong. He has gone on the record to say that he is an atheist since he does not believe in the idea of god and has his own beliefs which he strongly sticks by.
On Sunday, when you all go to church and you pray to that God that I know doesn’t exist. . . I choose to live by the X [by the Straight Edge Movement]
The volatile wrestler has previously been hounded by fans who disagree with his beliefs as he has been warned several times by the WWE to tone down and subdue his act. The wrestler has fallen out with the WWE owing to reported friction between the two and it is being widely speculated that he is considering hanging his boots for good.