CM Punk appeared at Jon Lester's Hollywood Squares-themed NVRQT Night at Metro in Chicago last night. Before the fundraiser, he spoke with the media and the topic of him auditioning for a role in the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel came up. As we had reported here, the role ended up going to Sheamus.
"I just assumed he's a bigger dude, so they gave it to the big guy," Punk said. "It makes sense. They were looking for two big, muscly bouncer types. (Sheamus) fits the role. I think they end up getting mutated half way through. You didn't hear that from me though."
CM Punk had auditioned for the said role and was said to be very hopeful of landing the part, but in quite a surprise, Sheamus ended up bagging the role. The video of Punk talking can be found below: