Antonio Cesaro
If any superstar in the back is asked about who the most under-utilised guy in the company is, most tend to have this guys name on the list. Even I feel the same way and am sure most of the wrestling world does too.
If Cesaro would have been in the company a decade ago, he probably would have been in line for a Lesnar-like push. But in the present, the WWE seems to have dropped the ball with him as he has gone from a US champion to a rank jobber in just a few months time.Thankfully, Zeb Colter (formerly known as Dutch Mantel), who is known to have a keen eye for talent, is presently associated with Cesaro and with the gimmick of him being a ‘Real American’ gaining heat, he has been getting quality TV time and last week even got to tangle with the great Daniel Bryan.
Look out for this guy, he is the next big thing of this decade.