Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley will battle over the WWE Championship Sunday, June 14, at Backlash. Right now, however, they are in a war of words. Recently the All-Mighty spoke to Metro's Alistair McGeorge about the similarities in the paths taken to get to this match by these two gladiators.
Lashley touted how hard he had to work during his early WWE tenure, while McIntrye was essentially given opportunities.
"I’m in kind of a different boat that he is. I was here for a long time, but I wasn’t the chosen one – I was never the chosen one. I had to scrape and claw to get up here. I think the history we have, it’s gonna be kinda like butting heads. We kinda rolled in the same path, but one of us was granted a position, the other person had to work his a** off to get there."
Given the long road the Scottish Psychopath had to travel to not only get back to WWE but to finally win his first WWE Championship, you could imagine he might not take too kindly to those comments from Lashley. Well, you would be right.
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"Let's not get it twisted, Drew McIntyre had to work very hard"
I had the pleasure of chatting with the WWE Champion this past week to talk about his upcoming match at Backlash. Both Lashley and he have been making the media rounds in the last few days, and McIntyre says quite a few quotes from the All-Mighty have caught his eye. None more than the one about him not having to work as hard as Lashley.
"I think he's living in a fantasy world. Yeah, I was the Chosen One, God let me see I was 24 then I'm 35 tomorrow, so 11 years ago I was the Chose One. Then I was in 3MB. Then I was fired! And then I had to work my way back while he was in one of the main matches at WrestleMania, back in the day, with Vince McMahon and the President of America right now. And then he quit on top. Was able to charge whatever he wanted to charge. And then made his way back to WWE."
"So let's not get it twisted. Drew McIntyre had to work very hard to get back to WWE and become WWE Champion."
First off, this interview took place on Friday and McIntyre's birthday was Saturday, so happy belated birthday Champ!
Secondly, McIntyre went on to talk about the matchup itself at Backlash and said, with all due respect to certain Superstars on the card, that this isn't going to be some great wrestling match.
"We're not getting in there, like Edge and Randy Orton, to have the greatest wrestling match ever. We're getting in there to have an absolute war over the WWE Championship. If they're going to have the greatest wrestling match, they can keep it. We're getting in there to fight."
My full interview with Drew McIntyre will run Sunday, June 14, on my radio show for ESPN1530 in Cincinnati, OH.