Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan
The Authority vs. the fan favorite match was one of the back bones of the company back in the hard days. And this year also the company will be in an effort to replicated history.
It was built up back from the Summer Slam itself and CM Punk’s departure further stamped this one. Bryan has place his challenge for the COO and it will only be a matter of time before The Game accepts the challenge.
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To make the fans happy, the company also needs to place this one above the title match since Daniel Bryan is the only thing that the fans want to see at the WrestleMania main event apart from The Undertaker himself.
The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
The match was made official last week on Raw and though it doesn’t have any credible storyline to boast about, two big names like this and the prestige of the streak itself will be enough for the WWE fans to enjoy this bout.
Taker’s physical condition is a concern however as there are doubts to whether he will be able to pull of another classic like he always do. Paul Heyman would be a great positive for the whole feud and all this makes this one the best from the lot.
Lesnar could work well as the new victim of Taker and the dead man can go into another year long break in peace while plotting for his next opponent.
Though the card doesn’t make one drool like the previous year ones, it could still pop out with many surprises and the WWE might end up having the final smile.