Edge Cashes in on John Cena, New Years Revolution 2006

Apart from Seth Rollins Wrestlemania defining Money in the Bank cash in, the first Money in the Bank cash-in is by far the greatest moment in the history of the concept. This is simply because at that point in time the concept seemed alien to the public. How would it work was always the question and with a swift masterstroke, Edge showed them how.
While Edge failed to garner a meaningful run, he went to not only define a concept but finally break into the main event of WWE which he was fighting for since ages. In his last five years of the company, Edge went from an also-ran to an eleven-time world champion. His first world title win resulted in Edge being a first ballot hall of fame nominee.
It all started when John Cena went through a brutal elimination chamber only for Edge to blindside him. It was a poetic win for the greatest superstar in the history of the ladder match gimmick, bringing to full circle his iconic career.