It will not be far-fetched to say that heading into the biggest WWE show of the year, the bout that had most anticipation going for it, was the deeply personal rivalry between the friends-turned-foes Randy Orton and Edge.
Edge returned to the ring after a 9-year hiatus in a heart-warming story of self-determination and vigor. This alone could've been enough to sell the former multi-time World Champion's first proper match back.
However, what we got instead was a strangely gripping story (in the best terms possible) which soon turned into a story about Orton's twisted love for his former tag team partner. It was a "love" that went as far as Ortom re-injuring Edge, so that The Ultimate Opportunist doesn't get himself in harm's way ever again.
Despite all the complaints online, the resulting "Last Man Standing" match that took place tonight... still managed to exceed expectations and then some. Some might argue that the match went on for a very long time and lost some of its magnitude in the process; and there might be some truth to that.
However, in a nut shell, when we look at the program the former Rated-RKO teammates had going for themselves, we can clearly see this was supposed to be a clash of ideologies, an ugly fight that did not need to end abruptly, something we've been accustomed to expect out of big matches from WWE in recent years.
Edge and Randy Orton were involved in a one-time conclusive fight that needed to feel as hard-hitting and satisfactory as possible - and it did. With all the circumstances going in the world right now, and the fact that this unfortunately had to be a match behind closed doors, this was the best outcome we should've hoped for.

The returning Rated R Superstar proved with flying colors that he will be just fine in his return to the squared circle. We can just hope that Orton takes his brilliant work in this feud and the match tonight as an indication of just how good he is when challenged.
The Last Man Standing match tonight was a celebration of classic pro-wrestling storytelling, which we have sadly seen less of in recent years. The ending in particular was a poetic affair when Edge, with a tear in his eye, con-chair-toed his former best friend - reminiscent of the night Orton turned on his friend with a brutal con-chair-toe of his own.
With all things said and done, this program between Orton and Edge was something we didn't know we needed until it happened. At every step along the way, the two veterans took fans on an emotional ride and we loved every bit of it.
The Rated R Superstar's return to the ring was a banger thanks to his first program back with Orton. He will inevitably move on to mouth-watering new feuds against the likes of AJ Styles, Seth Rollins and others, but with everything considered, Orton, Edge and the WWE just delivered a program for ages to come, which will surely be remembered for years ahead of us.