#2 Batista

Batista is finally set to make a comeback after the disastrous run he had last time he returned. Batista's return comes as a major surprise after rumours of Batista not being in the good books of the company. Batista is set to make a return along with his stablemates of Evolution: Triple H, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton. The Animal will surely rise to a crowd pop when he returns.
Batista has talked about returning to WWE in the past. Is this a full-time return where Batista will potentially have a storyline involving somebody. Possibly Randy Orton who is looking for his next victim? or it might just be Evolution appearing to take down one of the other stables of the Blue Brand. It will be interesting to see Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton taking down on The New Day with Ric Flair on the ringside.