#3 Thumbtacks

Thumbtacks in the WWE too, just like sledgehammers, are the real deal and are no different from the thumbtacks you or I use.
The tacks are extremely painful once they go through the skin, and wrestlers can be seen being left with cuts and bruises after they take a fall on these unforgiving little weapons.
The thumbtacks have been Mick Foley’s best friends for a long time. He has been using the weapons for as long as one can remember, and Cactus Jack has managed to inflict a lot of pain on his opponents and even himself using thumbtacks.
However, in one of his autobiographies, Mick Foley stated that the tacks do not hurt as much as most would believe as long as the performer lands on a large surface area such as the back to spread out the pain. Even though he meant to explain that really well, it is still hard to believe that the little spiky objects do not leave the performers in regret after they land on them.
The 2000 Royal Rumble saw Foley take a Pedigree from Triple H on the tacks. The move seemed so brutal that it was hard to believe that Foley made out of it without any injuries. It was revealed that tacks were removed from Foley’s arms, legs, chest, stomach, waist, and even from his face in the aftermath.