#2 Ladders
Ladders are usually used by wrestlers to climb on to perform a move or to jump off them. The ladders are actually made of steel and can be very dangerous.
However, ladders are also used as weapons to strike the opponents which are actually very dangerous. But there is a catch when it comes to ladders in the WWE.
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Unlike regular steel ladders, the ones used for wrestling is actually made of hollow steel rather than solid steel to significantly reduce the weight and the impact.
This can be seen from the fact that ladders bounce off the ropes when they fall on them rather than push the ropes down. It is also why they shake a lot when a wrestler who weighs more than average climbs up on it.
The center of some of the ladders is also made flimsier so that a wrestler can lay on them just like a table and once they are jumped on then the ladder breaks right from the center.
No matter what, ladders are actually one of the most dangerous weapons, and therefore wrestlers throw up their arms to take most of the shots to their hands and arms rather than their faces and sternum. We’ve seen many injuries occur on screen due to the use of ladders with the most famous one being to Joey Mercury.
The Hardy Boyz are the Kings of the Ladder as they have competed in several matches purely based on ladders and come out on top more often than not. The stunts and moves they pull off using ladders are breathtaking.
One of the most memorable Ladder matches came during WrestleMania 33 when a three-way Tag Team match for the Raw Tag Team Titles between Cesaro and Sheamus, Enzo Amore and Big Cass, and Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson turned into a fatal-4 way with the inclusion of the returning Hardy Boyz who won the titles after an epic battle.