Back to the acting. If you could cast yourself in the perfect role in any movie, what would it be?
Ooh! Ooh, ooh, ooh. You know, looks-wise, they may have to do a fair amount of prosthetics work, but one person I would love to play is George Washington. I'm always going for something different so the Count of Saint Germain. A very interesting figure throughout history, I'd love to dive into that.
Not a remake, but something like Indiana Jones. I like the intelligent, calculating but smarky... I love the character of Indiana Jones, and some movies you shouldn't touch. I believe Indiana Jones is that. Something similar to Harrison Ford, but not exactly.
Do you ever see yourself returning to the squared circle?
Never say never. For enough Instagram followers, I could put spandex on again!
No, never say never. I do know that when I was over in the UK for WhatCulture, they treated me amazingly, I think that's a great company. There's a lot of other thriving companies in the UK I know now. Again, if it was not for a full time wrestling thing, but I'd be open to doing commentary, I'd be open to doing a guest spot, I'd be open to doing a Q&A - but maybe if the circumstances present themselves, I'll have to put my tights on.
You never know, and with my show, Ask Me Anything, it's just a great way for me to interact with the fans.
Thanks to Aron Stevens for speaking with us, you can keep up with him on Instagram and Twitter, and check him out in Midnight, Texas here.