Presently, the entire world is being affected by coronavirus (COVID-19). This impact is not only being felt by the carriers of this virus or the friends and families of those carrying the virus but also just about every industry out there.
Professional wrestling is one of the industries especially affected by the coronavirus. All of the world's major professional wrestling companies have been forced to change their plans for the present and immediate future, impacting the employment of countless people.
The absence of traditional professional wrestling in front of paying audiences also impacts thousands of performers, many of whom are left with uncertain futures, as a result of the cancelation of this year's WrestleCon and other mass gatherings in the coming weeks and months.
To learn more about how the coronavirus is impacting wrestling-related talent these days, I had the pleasure of interviewing four interesting, motivated, and inspiring performers:
- Referee Kris Levin (Chikara Pro, Game Changer Wrestling, Major League Wrestling)
- EVOLVE's "Retrosexual" Anthony Greene
- National Wrestling Alliance's Royce Isaacs
- Commentator & ring announcer Blake Chadwick (WGN's Ring Warriors, UFC Fight Pass)
When the Coronavirus threat has been averted, what are your plans?
Kris Levin: I long for the day I can return to the ring and perform in front of a live crowd. My last time officiating was at Game Changer Wrestling on March 20th. Since joining the biz in 2007 at the age of 15, this has been the longest time I've gone without a booking since high school -- wrestling is the only constant I've known my entire adult life.
I'm also excited to get back out in the field to conduct some backpack journalism and produce more episodes of Locker Room Detectives, a wrestling comedy series for IWTV that I created alongside my partner-in-crime (solving), MLW ring announcer Mark Adam Haggerty. We are still finding ways to produce content remotely, such as our recent Quarantine Match, but nothing beats goofing around with your friends and filming ridiculous content at shows in-between matches.
"Retro" Anthony Greene: I’d love to get back into my regular workout routine at the gym. Obviously, the biggest thing for me would be going back to wrestling full-time as well. On top of all the bookings I have with EVOLVE Wrestling, I look forward to all of my regular independent bookings, new promotions, as well as running my local shows in Massachusetts.
Royce Isaacs: Once the crisis is averted I cant wait to get back to seeing my friends and back on the road wrestling. I miss the old life! I miss working with my brothers and sisters at the NWA.
Blake Chadwick: A return to a normal routine -- gym, beach, socializing, and of course, announcing!
What has this current pandemic taught you?
Kris Levin: In the last few years, I often joked that the world truly did end in 2012 —we're only just beginning to realize it. That joke doesn't seem quite as funny as it used to. While the world itself may not be ending, life as we know it is facing an irrevocable change. For me, that has reinforced the importance of dropping all preconceived notions. Kill your assumptions: I never imagined something like this occurring; it's a complete anachronism. All you can do is control what you can, within reason, and accept what you cannot.
"Retro" Anthony Greene: To take NOTHING for granted. Wrestling in front of live crowds, the long drives we say we dread, even just sitting down to eat at a restaurant. Also the essential workers and businesses.
Royce Isaacs: You can never be too prepared. And things change really quickly. Three days before lockdown I was eating all-you-can-eat sushi. Don't take your freedoms and your lifestyle for granted, 'cuz that can change in an instant.
Blake Chadwick: The current situation has taught me a lot about strength and adaptation.
For the people holed up right now, any movie, music or YouTube recommendations?
Kris Levin: I am going to go in a different direction and suggest a book, The Tao Of Pooh. Reading it has been another life-changing experience for me in the best way possible.
"Retro" Anthony Greene: Cheap plug, I have a YouTube channel -- check it out by searching "Anthony Greene." Movies, The Endless, and The Main Event on Netflix were fun. I also really enjoyed rewatching Beyond The Mat. Series, go on the WWE Network and watch or rewatch Legends House -- UNDERRATED!
Royce Isaacs: Tiger King seems played out at this point but obviously if you haven't seen it, do it. Narcos is great. Bleed For This is a really good boxing movie. I watched the director's cut of Blade Runner the other day. If you like sports talk The Pat McAfee Show is really entertaining and on YouTube daily.
Blake Chadwick: Watch classic movies that you’ve never seen! I started doing this a year or so ago and I feel much more cultured because of it.
What's the best way to support you in the long run?
Kris Levin: You can keep up with my latest works -- including my pieces for Ripley's Believe It or Not! and my forthcoming investigative journalism podcast that is based on my syndicated column Tales From the Mat -- at @RefKrisLevin. You can also follow IWTV's Locker Room Detectives at @LockerDicks or snag a shirt at my Pro Wrestling Tees store.
"Retro" Anthony Greene: Subscribe to my YouTube, follow me on Twitter @retroag, Instagram @retroag_, and my Pro Wrestling Tees --
Royce Isaacs: Follow me on Instagram or Twitter via @royceisaacs and DM me if you wanna buy a shirt.
Blake Chadwick: The best way to support me is believing in me. Know that when you hand me the ball, we’re going to score.
Finally, any last words for the kids?
Kris Levin: No matter how acute your current sense of fear or loneliness, remember that we are all in this together. There is no better example of that than the essential workers keeping society afloat, be the medical professionals or cashiers. To paraphrase my hero, Mr. Rogers: in uncertain times, always look for the helpers. They are a shining example of the kind, indefatigable nature of the human spirit.
"Retro" Anthony Greene: Stay safe! We’re all going through this together as a community. I truly believe that professional wrestling is going to build off of this setback and come back stronger than ever.
Royce Isaacs: Stay safe, stay smart, and stay positive. This won't last forever and we are all in this together.
Blake Chadwick: Dream big, believe in yourself, and absolutely never EVER quit!