Match 9 - Gimmick Battle Royal
I’m not reviewing this match on a serious level when you consider the match it followed. However, perhaps it did what it was supposed to do. After watching six men legitimately try to one up each other and end each other’s careers with spots that continue to make my hair curl, the audience needed both a breather and something that didn’t require much watching just to recover before the night continued.
This ‘match’ saw the return of such unforgettable faces as The Gobbeldy-Gooker, The Goon (whose ability to wrestle whilst in full Ice Hockey gear is a real achievement), The Repo Man and the eventual winner ‘The Iron Shiek.’
Now bearing in mind that a lot of these wrestlers weren’t exactly prized on their in-ring skill whilst they were at the peak of their careers, this is not easy watching. Even Jim Cornette, entering and wrestling without loosening his tie, couldn’t make this match relevant.
The Iron Shiek ultimately wins, eliminating Cornette, though he then has the Cobra Clutch applied by Slaughter to the biggest pop of the match. The only real positive from this match was that it only last 3:04. The entire Battle Royal from start to finish lasted just over 3 minutes! Extraordinary.
Dave Meltzer Rating: DUD
Eyes On Rating: 1/10