#8 John Cena Vs Finn Balor
There may be a lot of conflicting opinions regarding John Cena's ability to perform between the ropes but, there's no denying he brings a lot of star power to expand the stock of a feud.
Cena and Finn Balor have faced each other in singles competition on the 29th January 2018 edition of Raw which ended with the Cenation leader getting the better off Balor. The match was spectacular, to say the least, and engaged the fans till the end.
Balor has not been prominently booked on the main roster ever since his return after a shoulder surgery. The first ever Universal Champion is struggling to find a footing but it seems that the company might start pushing him after WrestleMania 34.
A feud with Cena could definitely rejuvenate Balor's status within the company and produce several sensational moments. Imagine Balor turning heel and feuding with Cena, it would be a well-balanced storyline and can produce some exciting moments.