Let's be honest here.
WWE has a lot of problems and while some fans are willing to ignore those problems in order to enjoy the show, there are other fans that point out every single one of them. Of course WWE, like any other sport in the world is never going to get it right a 100 percent of the time, but it should at least look like they are trying!
With that being said and problem after problem with WWE's overall product becoming more evident by the day, here are ten problems with WWE right now and how to fix them. Keep in mind though that this writers opinions might t be different from yours and these ten selections are only meant to serve as a basis for a bigger conversation.
As always, feel free to take part in that conversation by letting us know what you think in the comments below. Also, let us know what you think is the biggest problem WWE has right now and how you would fix it!
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#5 Underwhelming mid card

Can anyone name a successful or even popular midcard act right now?
While some might point to The B Team and Rusev as proof that The Midcard is thriving right now, one only has to look a little further to realize that's not true. In fact, for every semi decent midcard feud on Raw and Smackdown Live, there are two or three more that just don't work at all.
For example, what was WWE's intention with No Way Jose on the main roster? Furthermore, why is WWE counting on a party gimmick to try to entertain fans when they are capable of so much more then that! Another example is Titus World Wide versus Authors of Pain, which could have been a good storyline, but was mishandled several times.
Then there is the soap opera like nature of Rusev Lana and Aiden English on Smackdown Live, which is a pretty bad fall for a guy that was just in the title picture. One would think that WWE would move forward with something that made a superstar organically popular, but they seem to want to dismantle it and kill Rusev's momentum.
In the end, there just isn't anything interesting on the midcard and it causes both shows to suffer. Of course, that suffering is worse for Raw and the fluff WWE tries to stuff it with in a matter of three hours, but Smackdown Live does see a good chunk of it as well. In fact, sometimes Smackdown Live is nothing but fluff itself and don't move anything forward!
Solution: Make the midcard matter again!

First things first, WWE needs to stop basing midcard feuds off of the most ridiculous of concepts. If nothing else, it makes it really hard to buy into a feud, especially if it is based on something meaningless that won't help them move up the card and WWE needs to stop making a habit of that.
With that being said, WWE needs to implement better storytelling into these feuds and do their best to raise the stakes a bit. Maybe its a loser leaves Raw match between Bobby Rhoode and Mojo Rawley or even a match between Bobby Lashely and Elias that stipulates if Lashely wins he gets to destroy Elias's guitar.
At least make it interesting! In fact, at least give The WWE Universe some kind of pay off to these feuds, which will, in turn, make them meaningful. All WWE has to do is create momentum and build upon. Somthing they have done time and time again in the main event picture, but fail to do when it comes to their mid-card.
#4 Ruining NXT superstars

WWE has a bit of a problem when it comes to NXT superstars coming up to the main roster and while some have made a smooth transition into the role, others have not. of course not all of the failures of NXT superstars are WWE's fault,but they do deserve credit for ruining quite a few careers of prominent NXT superstars.
Interestingly enough, it always seems to happen in the same two ways and becomes very maddening to watch The WWE make the same mistake time after time. In the end, its either Vince McMahon or someone else at the top doesn't like the superstar, or even worse, making changes to the original character in the wrong ways.
Although WWE should make some changes to superstars characters when they reach the main roster, making changes that go against who the original one was is an easy way to lose audiences immediately. Unfortunately for WWE, the audiences that watched the superstar in NXT will lose interest after the changes, and new fans will likely not care about the finished product.
Solution: Keep what made them popular in NXT

WWE needs to stop making changes to the original character and instead focus on what made them popular in the first place. Not only does that keep NXT fans happy, which slowly builds the superstars stock, it also gives them a chance to grow the character in ways that will help other fans get behind the star.
Another thing that WWE needs to do is not give up on superstars so quickly when they reach the main roster. They need to give them more time to develop their character and find what works, but they never seem to never get a chance to! Whether that is the writing staff or Vince McMahon himself remains to seen, but it is becoming depressing to watch.
#3 Floundering women's division.

Believe it or not, the women's revolution might be the worst thing that ever happened to the Women's division! In fact, WWE seems to be having such a hard time figuring out what to do next with the female superstars , that the women are quickly becoming the bathroom breaks that they were when the revolution started.
The biggest problem WWE has here is that they are handicapped from a storytelling perspective. While the company used to be able to get away with love triangles or crazy girl next door storylines in the past, the introduction of The Women's revolution makes it impossible to pull off
That became obvious when James Ellsworth returned to WWE to take on women from The Smackdown Live women's division, but was quickly panned after a month of appearances. If nothing else, him getting canned proves two very important things. 1. WWE doesn't know how to make the women's division interesting again and 2. They are afraid to try.
Solution: Allow controversial women storylines.

If WWE wants to have this anything a man can do a women can do mentality, they need to include that thinking when it comes to controversial storylines in the women's division. Maybe it can't be as racy as what it was back in the attitude era or ruthless aggression era, but at least make them feel more like individual personalities and not just athletes.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the only thing WWE wants to showcase the women's division as and seems to throw out personality based characters entirely Furthermore, they seem With that in mind, that's what WWE needs to stop doing and allow the women's division to try new and interesting things again.
Whether that turns out to be a woman that manipulates the guy superstars into getting what she wants or a girl that gets into relationship after relationship, but they need to allow these types of stories to be told again. Of course, WWE should have the good sense to do it tastefully, but they shouldn't rule out the idea completely
In the end, it would really help even out the division a bit and make something other than the title picture interesting to watch. It also allows for superstars to better connect with fans and grow an audience following, which will then allow them to become the next big star that the company needs.
#2 Constantly pushing Roman Reigns

WWE is still trying to push Roman Reigns down fans throats and while it seems to be working a lot better this time, it is still exhausting to experience month after month. Not only that, its is also becoming depressing to see other popular superstars not receive a chance at the title due to WWE wanting to keep the focus on Reigns.
WWE has even gone so far as to give Reigns two chances at The Universal title already this year and he will have his third one at Summerslam. Add in the fact that one of those matches was a key lose at WrestleMania and the other one was a convoluted finish at Greatest Royal and you can see why fans are so upset with Reigns getting so many chances.
With that being said, Finn Balor, Bobby Lashley, Bruan Strowman and Seth Rollins have all been waiting for months now to be added to The Universal title picture and WWE still hasn't done so! In the end, not only is that starting to diminish the monentum that each of those superstars have built up, it also creates an uninteresting title picture for fans.
Solution: Focus on other talent.

The solution to this is very simple and just involves taking Roman Reigns out of the title picture for awhile and focus on other superstars instead. Now that doesn't mean Reigns can't have a high profile feud or even elevate a midcard title for awhile, but WWE needs to introduce new blood into The Universal title picture.
Another thing WWE needs to do is start using Reigns to elevate other talent on the roster. In fact, with wins over superstars like John Cena, The Undertaker, Triple H, Finn Balor and Seth Rollins, WWE needs to put Reigns in the ring with some of the younger stars and do a John Cena like angle.
At least that way Reigns can help elevate the next crop of talented and not become a bland win machine that fans get bored with. It also allows for superstars like Drew McIntyre, Bobby Rhoode and countless others to gain ground on their own chances at one day capturing The Universal title.
#1 50/50 booking

Its one of the things WWE is known for on their main rosters and once again it is the company's biggest problem when it comes to their weekly televsion product. Not only does 50/50 booking kill a superstar's momentum after a big win, it also taints the superstar in the eyes of The WWE Universe afterwards.
Maybe stars like John Cena, Roman Reigns, The Undertaker Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose can take a loss and still be beloved by fans, but there are others like Finn Balor, Bobby Rhoode, and Baron Corbin who are always the victim of this. Its even gotten so bad that most of the above listed superstars have been relegated to the midcard.
With that being said, 50/50 booking can be a great way to extend a few and is sometimes very uselful in other situations, but it is also a momentum killer when used at the wrong time on the wrong person. Unfortunately for majority of WWE superstars on the main roster right now, they know this all too well!
#1 Limit 50/50 booking

WWE dosen't need to outright stop 50/50 booking, especially since it hurts the possibility of extending feuds and allowing them to grow, but they need to be more careful on when they implement them. They also need to do their best to help the superstar that lost gain their momentum back, which will at least help in preventing fans giving up on them.
If nothing else, 50/50 booking is a powerful tool that can be a very useful in storytelling, but it is also something that can be damaging if used in the wrong way. With that being said, WWE needs to watch how they use it for now on and make an effort to help build up the superstars that have been affected by it.
Hopefully then superstars like Bobby Rhoode, Finn Balor, Bobby Lashley can gain some ground on the main roster again and go on to do great things in the main event scene. If WWE dosen't do this however, they risk a future where stars keep leaving them for places that allow their character to truly thrive.