#2 Authority figure holding him down

Much like Triple H and The Authority held down Daniel Bryan after he won The WWE Title in 2013, WWE is using Baron Corbin and Stephanie McMahon to help hold Reigns down as well. That became obvious during the August 6th episode of Monday Night Raw, where Corbin announced that Reigns was forbidden from teaming with Rollins that night.
The reason given was that doing so would risk the integrity of the match between Reigns and Lesnar at Summerslam, but in doing so, WWE seemingly risked the integrity of Rollin's IC title match at Summerslam. If nothing else, this shows that Stephanie McMahon and Corbin are working against Reigns, which puts the big down against a prominent Authority figure.
In the end, its going to take some time to see where this is going and what involvement Stephanie McMahon and Baron Corbin will play in all this, but its easy to see that WWE is giving Reigns an authority figure to work against. Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but Reigns seems to be getting cheered more than ever in this new role.