#3 Ronda gets rowdy on Alexa and retains her title
Say what you want about her, but this little Ronda Rousey experiment WWE is trying out seems to be working. She gets a positive and consistent reaction from the crowd, her in ring skills are slowly coming together and she's actually showing up to work on a weekly basis (which is more than we can say about another so called "champion" we used to have).
I'd be a liar if I said that I expected Ronda to tear through Alexa like wet toilet paper last month, but in hindsight it does make sense. In reality, it would be a cold day in hell before Alexa Bliss would defeat Ronda Rousey in a fight. Ronda's more athletic, more skilled and actually has more combat experience than Alexa, even if it isn't in the context of professional wrestling. Such a dissecting was sure to occur.
Will we see more of the same this Sunday? Well, yes and no. I think that Alexa will be made to look a little stronger in the beginning of this match than how she looked at SummerSlam.
She will try to get the upper hand somehow, using some kind of underhanded tactic to get Ronda off her game for the first few minutes. Then, when she's caught off her guard or is showboating and gloating too much, Ronda will shut her down and tap her out to retain her championship.
With Evolution coming up, WWE will need a big name draw to headline the event, and Ronda is just the name to put those butts in seats.