#4 Joe becomes the new man of the house

I've said it before and I will say it a thousand more times if I have to: Samoa Joe is one of, if not the best talker in the WWE today. Much like the The Miz, he speaks with conviction. He sounds like he truly believes what he's saying, so it isn't hard to buy into his words. While Miz succeeds in coming off as a pompous egomaniac, Joe succeeds in coming off as a borderline homicidal monster.
These last few weeks have been proof of that, as he has been been successfully messing with the head of the admittedly emotional champion AJ Styles.
Bringing a man's family into a personal matter is easy, to the point where it becomes cheap, but Joe has managed to make it so that you legitimately want to see AJ floor him with an elbow and shut him up for good.However, we will not be getting a fairy tale ending this Sunday.
The mind games are finally going to catch up to AJ, and we are going to see a champion who isn't quite as sharp as he was in the past. Mistakes will be made, emotions will boil over and Samoa Joe will take advantage of these mistakes and ultimately put the champ to sleep (or in his words, "make him go night-night").
Don't get me wrong, AJ has been a fantastic champion, but it's high time that the Samoan Submission Machine achieves what he has been destined to achieve since stepping foot on the main roster last year.