#2 Hurting Nia Jax's push

One of the biggest problems in this match is what it will do to the career of Nia Jax. While there is always the chance of The Authority costing Rousey the match to set something up for Summerslam, the alternative is to have Rousey destroy someone who just won the title at this year's show of Shows.
Not only does that show that WWE has very little faith in Nia Jax as a draw going forward, which is disheartening due to her excellently crafted body positive storyline, it also marks one of several times the company pushed Jax, but then pumped the brakes shortly after. If nothing else, it's frustrating to watch and makes it difficult to get behind Jax at all.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
With that being said, imagine how hard it will be to get behind Jax as any kind of conquering babyface if Rousey destroys her in the same way she destroyed countless opponents in UFC. Not only that, imagine what it will mean for The Women's division if a Brock Lesnar like character nabs the company's biggest title!