#1 Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes is one of the hottest wrestlers in the world today, and he has done all of that in spite of his terrible booking at the hands of the WWE.
Rhodes was one of the most natural talents the WWE had, and there were a number of occasions when they had the opportunity to pull the trigger on him and elevate him to the top. The most famous example of this, of course, is when they decided to give the Money in the Bank briefcase to Damien Sandow in 2013 instead of to his tag team partner, Cody Rhodes.
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Insight is a beautiful thing, and at the time, many fans were happy with Sandow winning the case. What followed though, indicated that the WWE made the wrong choice and that Rhodes would have been much better suited to the role.
Imagine the Cody we see today in ROH and NJPW walking around with Brandi and the Money in the Bank briefcase. Things could have been so different for Cody and the WWE.