The go-home RAW for the Payback PPV generated a lot of talk before the start. Now did those talks last after RAW end? Well, that is a question that doesn’t require an answer. RAW was quite sullen and dull this week with not a lot to discuss positively about. A whole chunk of the TV time was spent on building the United States and Tag Team Titles. Several new matches were announced on RAW this week for Payback and this was expected as WWE had allowed themselves to get to this position by postponing the announcement up to the very end.
Let us now look into the five talking points of this week’s RAW.
1. Triple H – McMahon rivalry looming large?
The two biggest names of WWE, Triple H, The COO of the company, and Vince McMahon, The CEO, are at loggerheads at whether Triple H should fight on despite his persisting problems. While this does bring out an interesting prospect and not to mention a lot of TV time for WWE, the question to be asked is how many times does WWE need to give these people the spotlight? I am a fan of the McMahons and would love to see them in a feud anytime now. But Triple H getting the limelight again does feel like a letdown as the man, despite his lustrous career, is at the moment looking at the end of it. Anyway, it is Vince and his son-in-law who need to make the decision; and looking at the way things went this week, it seems as though they have.
2. Daniel Bryan and his ‘weak link’ story
So Kane is given a US Title shot and Daniel Bryan and Orton were given a Tag Team Title shot at Payback this week. Given that Bryan and Orton had some really rough moments last week, this match should, and most probably will, turn one of these two wrestlers heel. Looking at the circumstances, it looks like it will be Randy Orton. But looking at the booking, one thing is quite clear – Team Hell No is done. Kane, who is at the moment holding his team together, will not be present to help them out at Payback, and this is where misunderstanding between Bryan and Orton will creep in and pave the way for a feud between the two.
3. AJ Lee is Kaitlyn’s secret admirer
A divas storyline making it to the five talking points of RAW. This indeed is a proud moment for the divas division, and a sad moment for WWE creative mainly because their other storylines have failed to deliver. Anyway, there were a lot of predictions as to who Kaitlyn’s secret admirer is; and as most people easily guessed, it turned out to be AJ. WWE added a bit of a flavour to this storyline by first showing that the admirer was Big E Langston. Frankly, I would have loved it if Langston remained the admirer; but alas, AJ had other plans as she came out and revealed the secret much to my dismay. The good thing, however, is that AJ Lee will finally face Kaitlyn at Payback this Sunday.
4. Curtis Axel included in the Intercontinental Title match
What are the advantages of being a Paul Heyman guy? For starters, you get a really grand debut promo where you are shown to be the next big star of WWE, and then you are suddenly challenged by the top stars in the roster. I understand being a Paul Heyman guy does give you advantages, but it is sad to see when chances are thrown away this easily. A shot at the Intercontinental Title is not something you get everyday, but apparently for Curtis Axel, it is a right to challenge any title he wants simply because he has a manager called Paul Heyman. Speaking of the title match, Wade Barrett now needs to defend his title against The Miz and Axel. It’s sad that Fandango had to be removed from the PPV.
5. Does Dolph Ziggler deserve to be the Champion?
Such questions arise when you see the Champion absent for almost a month along with the title. It was a difficult time for WWE as they had to suffice with rubber matches between Langston and Del Rio to keep the feud between the two active. The match for the World Title at Payback looks lifeless at the moment. One cannot blame either WWE and Ziggler for this, but sadly this is where the match stands at the moment. So will Ziggler defend his title successfully or will he find Del Rio too strong a contender? This discussion is for another time; but as of now, the World Title seems to be in a bit of a mess. Let’s hope WWE is able to bring in a few more contenders and make the bout for the title a bit more interesting.