#3 The Yep movement

If lacklustre crowd reactions and being aligned with heels isn't enough to convince you of Daniel Bryan's imminent doom, what about the fact that WWE is trying to half-ass recreate one of the most popular fan movements in WWE Even worse, Bryan is seemingly going along with it.
While the going along with it part will be discussed in the next slide, it's important to note that WWE hasn't put a lot behind the idea at all and it seems to just inspire a sheep mentality among fans. Unfortunately for Daniel Bryan, it is only making him look like an absolute tool in the process of it all.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
The chant sucks, the gimmick sucks and Daniel Bryan is honestly starting to suck for going along with something so senseless and career damaging. Think about it! Daniel Bryan would not look like the bad guy at this point if he walked out on the company right now and went to some Indy promotion to end his career.
Sure, some will see it is like taking his ball and going home like CM Punk, Neville, Austin Aires and Ryback all did, but Bryan has a legitimate reason to do so here. Not only to protect the legacy that he worked so hard to build but also to end his career on his terms and when he is actually ready to.