#1 Leaving a show without a main champion

With all the talk about WWE looking to unify the men's Universal and WWE titles, one has to wonder if this is going to leave one show without a champion. Furthermore, it begs the question of what the show that won't have its top title will do without it and if another one will take its place.
In all honesty, its just another part of the brand split that makes little to no sense and could leave one of the shows metaphorically behind the eight ball if not taken care of promptly. Sure, WWE could just create another belt for the show that doesn't end up with a world champion, but what sense would that make with WWE already making The Universal title meaningless under Lesnar?
In the end, hopefully WWE won't go through with unifying the titles and if they do, maybe it will only be for a short time. If not however, WWE faces a very uncertain future of what to do with the show without the title or even who can actually challenge for the belt in the first place. It's all so ambiguous right now and it's not a good feeling to have as a wrestling fan.