Louisiana screw job: Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena with Shawn Michaels as special guest referee and Triple H on ringside.
Why: Ratings, simple as that. Why did Vince McMahon screw Bret Hart? He wanted ratings and at the current stage WWE could use a lot of that. A controversial WrestleMania moment would be more than enough for the company to regain some foothold. It will be the B+ star against the face of the company with Michaels involved in the screw job giving historical significance to the match. The story line could also end Bryan’s miserable time in WWE in which he has been repeatedly held down.
How: Cena won the Heavy weight Championship in Hell in a Cell which ensures him a WrestleMania main event (since there is no one likely to snatch the title from him till then). Meanwhile, Bryan has been shoved out of the title scene by Triple H which will produce one of the most exciting underdog stories in the business: Bryan earning his title shot by winning the Royal Rumble. And what does Triple H do to stop him do that? Bring in Shawn Michaels who would be having a lot of promos with his favorite student as a buildup. And as the stage will be set all it needs is Triple H to pullout a Vince McMahon moment with the following replications.
Vince McMahon = Triple H
Bret Hart = Daniel Bryan
Shawn Michaels = John Cena
Earl Hebner = Shawn Michaels
Result: Boosted ratings and full houses for Raw, Triple H cements his spot as a corporate heel. Shawn Michaels heads off with another screw job; John Cena is still the champ and Daniel Bryan back to the Indies or TNA for a minimum of more than two years.