Just under two weeks ago, more than 25 WWE Superstars were released from their contracts as the company battled economic obstacles in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While more than 20 Superstars were named in the official WWE.com article, most of the NXT names released were not - one of whom was MJ Jenkins, who heartbreakingly lost her brother-in-law to COVID-19 in the same week she lost her job.
Shortly after interviewing Deonna Purrazzo, who was also released by WWE, I had the pleasure of chatting with MJ Jenkins, and we spoke all about her release.
Stay tuned for the entire interview, where we discuss MJ's NXT run, how she flawlessly transforms into the "character" she portrays, and the incredibly uplifting story of how she's managed to stay positive after such a challenging week.
For now, though, where does MJ Jenkins want to compete next when her 30-day non-compete clause expires?
Well, there's one particular promotion that excites A Whole Lot Of Woman...
"Oh, man... You know, there is so much wrestling out there and... [MJ laughs] ..I can say, from what I've seen, the main place I would love to go is AEW. I can't lie!
"To say that I haven't been watching would be a complete lie. I think what they're doing is amazing. All the talent that they have there... "
Jenkins would then continue to praise AEW, naming a few performers she has close ties with in particular...
"Sonny Kiss has been one of my friends for the longest. I met him so long ago in New Jersey when I was wrestling and he was wrestling, at a smaller indie company. Britt Baker is there, and me and Britt had our first ever tryout match in front of the whole WWE locker room at SmackDown. And we killed it!"
"You just have so much great performers there. Ariel Monroe, Big Swole is what she goes by now... But I would love to go there because I believe in what they're doing and I believe in their women's division."
A huge thank you to MJ Jenkins for chatting with me on behalf of Sportskeeda Wrestling. You can follow MJ Jenkins here, check out her official website here - and, of course, stay tuned for the entire interview!