Former tag team champions to help The Miz against Gunther at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames? Analyzing the chances

The Miz could defeat Gunther at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023
The Miz could defeat Gunther at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023

WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023 will witness Gunther defending his Intercontinental Championship against The Miz. Could the bout feature a significant twist?

A few weeks ago, The Miz invited Gunther for an episode of Miz TV, during which he had an altercation with his guest and turned babyface during the segment. He also became the #1 contender for the Intercontinental Championship in the process, and will now try to win the title at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023. The match could feature a twist involving former tag team champions.

The tag team in question is none other than #DIY. Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa have had clashes with Imperium for a long time and could seemingly continue the rivalry after the upcoming Premium Live Event.

If The A-lister comes close to defeating The Ring General, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci could try to save their leader's title reign. This could lead to #DIY's appearance to help the challenger. As a result, the promotion could crown a new champion on November 25th.

This scenario isn't rumored or confirmed and is pure speculation for now. However, considering current rivalries, one would be unwise to rule it out altogether.

Gunther makes bold statements about The Miz ahead of WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023


Gunther is one of the best at being true to his character during interviews. During a recent interview, he was quizzed regarding his hardest chop ever, to which he promised that the one he delivers to The Miz at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023 would top the list.

"I can't answer that, but I'm gonna promise from Survivor Series on it's gonna be The Miz," Gunther said. [14:33 – 14:41]

That wasn't the only time The Ring General mocked his next challenger. During an episode of The Bump, he appreciated the former World Champion for being one of the greatest sports entertainers but suggested that it may be time for the A-lister to step away from the ring and make room for others:

"One of the greatest sports entertainers that this company has ever produced, but, he is definitely in the fall of his career. And maybe being in the ring with me will make him realize that it is time to step away maybe, and make room for the people that matter now," he said. [From 37:15 - 37:54]

Who do you think will stand tall at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames 2023? Let us know in the comments section.

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Edited by Sidharta Sikdar
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