#4 Roman Reigns
This is probably the least favorite of my four competitors, but as long as Reigns holds the title, there is always potential for this to happen.
Reigns angle with Seth Rollins presents a lot of potential and a possible double turn, which would heighten this kind of meeting. Reigns holds a title that, like Rollins, Lesnar never lost. I can see a scenario – although I do not like it – of a Triple Threat match between all of them with the title on the line.
It would sell well, but in the end Lesnar loses out because he is a part-time player and the WWE World Heavyweight Title needs a full-time champion.
It doesn’t work, in my opinion, because in a one-on-one match, Reigns cannot sell himself outside the ring because his mic work is awful. The best scenario I can think of in a confrontation like this is a match where Paul Heyman leaves Lesnar and promotes Reigns as his new client.
Which would beg the question, who would then sell Lesnar?