Taichi (3-3) vs. Will Ospreay (4-2) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)
A Block competition resumed with Taichi going one on one with Will Ospreay. Taichi stood at 3-3, following his loss to Jay White on G1 Climax 30 Night 11. Ospreay came in at 4-2, following a win over Suzuki on the same night. They have had one other meeting, which Ospreay won.
We got a tentative start to begin this G1 Climax 30 match. Ospreay showed more cockiness than he usually does against a heel like Taichi. That backfired when he went on the attack on the outside where Taichi caught him with the timekeeper's hammer. Taichi then worked over Ospreay back in the ring.
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Ospreay got the upper hand with a springboard kick. He followed with the Sasake Special to the floor. Back in the ring, Ospreay used a diverse arsenal to control Taichi. He hit a standing shooting press, followed by a second rope Phoenix Splash for a near fall. Taichi regained control in this G1 Climax 30 encounter with a jumping side kick. The two men then traded strikes, which ended with Taichi hitting a backdrop driver.
Ospreay reversed a top rope Black Mephisto into a Cheeky Nandos kick. He followed with a 450 splash that Taichi got his knees up for. Taichi followed with a lariat to the back. After some reversals in this G1 Climax 30 encounter, Taichi hit a buzzsaw kick and a last ride powerbomb for a near fall.
Taichi removed the tights and looked for the thrust kick, but Ospreay hit a Superkick instead. He followed with a side Superkick and set up for the Oscutter. Taichi caught Ospreay mid air with the thrust kick to the head.
Both men reversed the other's finisher. Ospreay flipped our of Black Mephisto into the Oscutter for a near fall. He quickly followed with a Hidden Blade. Ospreay then hit a Stormbreaker for the win in sixteen and a half minutes. Will Ospreay gets his fifth win and two more points in the G1 Climax 30. Post match, commentator Milano Collection praised Ospreay, "you are a superstar! I need you! I want you!"
That was an exhilarating G1 Climax 30 battle filled with fun reversals and counters. Ospreay bought out the same greatness in Taichi that we saw in his last two matches.
Results: Will Ospreay (10) defeats Taichi (6) via pinfall
Star Rating: ****