G1 Climax 30 B Block Match: SANADA (3-3) vs. Juice Robinson (3-3)
The B Block matches resumed with SANADA facing Juice Robinson. Both men stood at 3-3 following SANADA beating KENTA and Juice losing to Naito on G1 Climax 30 Night 12. These two men have split their last two G1 meetings.
Both men traded reversals at the start of the G1 Climax 30 contest. SANADA hit a sliding dropkick to the knee, but Juice landed a spinebuster that made his opponent roll to the floor. Juice took further control on the outside until SANADA made it back in the ring to break the count.
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Juice worked over SANADA until he went for the cannonball in the corner. SANADA moved and took Juice to the outside where he landed a plancha to the floor. Back in the ring for this G1 Climax 30 encounter, SANADA reversed a gutbuster and put Juice in the Paradise Lock followed by the sliding dropkick. Juice regained control and landed the cannonball in the corner before rallying the crowd. He then followed with a superplex and jackhammer combination for a near fall.
The two men evaded each other's offense until Juice reversed a hurricarana into a powerbomb for a near fall. Juice started the Juice combo until SANADA evaded Left Hand of God and did a tilt twirl into the Skull End. Juice broke free and went for Pulp Friction, which SANADA evaded. We got a series of reversals of both men's finishers in this G1 Climax 30 match including Juice putting SANADA in Skull End. SANADA hit a dropkick and then did a moonsault into Skull End.
We got more reversals until SANADA once again put on Skull End. This time, he spun Juice around in the Dragon sleeper position. SANADA broke the Skull End and hit the Muta-sault for the win in fifteen minutes. SANADA continued his winning streak with his fourth straight win and got two more points in the G1 Climax 30. This was a very good encounter filled with smooth transitions and reversals.
Results: SANADA (8) defeats Juice Robinson (6) via pinfall
Star Rating: ***1/2