Tomohiro Ishii (0-2) vs. Kota Ibushi (1-1) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)
The A Block of the G1 Climax 30 resumed with Tomohiro Ishii vs. Kota Ibushi. Ishii came in at 0-2 after two great matches against Suzuki and Ospreay. Ibushi stands at 1-1 after a loss against Switchblade on Night 3 of the tournament.
Early on in this G1 Climax 30 contest, they traded strikes until Ishii took control. Tomohiro no-sold the forearms from Ibushi and landed a stiff forearm himself. Ishii looked to follow with a lariat, but Ibushi hit a snap frankensteiner. The competitors exchanged kicks and chops next as Ibushi stunning Ishii with a barrage of kicks.
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Ishii shrugged off a springboard dropkick from Ibushi, so Kota withstood a power slam. Both men traded German suplexes, which they both no sold. Ibushi landed a dropkick, putting them both down.
While on their backs, they traded kicks to the head and open palm slaps until they returned to their feet. Ishii landed stiff chops to the throat. However, Ibushi no-sold a lariat in the corner and landed a strike to the throat. Then, he followed up with a high kick and the Last Ride sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. This was an intense G1 Climax 30 battle.
Ibushi looked for the Kamigoye, but Ishii blocked and landed a headbutt. Ishii reverses a frankensteiner into a powerbomb for a two-count. He then landed a lariat for a near fall. Ishii reversed the Kamigoye into a huge headbutt and then hits a sliding lariat for another near fall.
Ibushi reversed another brainbuster, who landed a brainbuster of his own. Another striking exchange in this G1 Climax 30 war ended with Ibushi landing a high kick. Ishii then goes for a German suplex, but Ibushi landed on his feet and hit the Bomaye for a near fall.
In the end, they traded strikes until Ibushi landed a V Trigger followed by the Kamigoye for the win in nearly sixteen minutes. Kota Ibushi scored another two points in the G1 Climax 30. After the match, both men were still trying to fight one another. This was a fierce, hard-hitting battle. This encounter was a great sprint G1 style match. Ibushi picks up another win, while Ishii dropped to 0-3.
Results: Kota Ibushi (4) defeats Tomohiro Ishii (0) via pinfall
Star Rating: ****1/4