Will Ospreay (3-1) vs. Kota Ibushi (3-1) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)
Our main event of the evening was Will Ospreay against Kota Ibushi. Both men stood 3-1 following wins over White and Cobb respectively on Night 7 of the G1 Climax 30. They have split their first two matches against one another. The winner of this contest would be the A Block leader.
We got a tentative start to this G1 Climax 30 Night 9 closing ma with Ospreay showing off his cockiness. Ibushi tried to take advantage of Ospreay doing his Superman pose with an early Kamigoye attempt. Ospreay reversed and hit a springboard kick. On the outside, Ospreay followed up with Pip Pip Cheerio off the apron.
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Back in the ring, Ospreay locked on a Tequila Sunrise to wear down his opponent. Ibushi got the upper hand by landing a beautiful dropkick. He landed some strikes and followed with a standing moonsault for a two count before rallying the crowd.
Both men traded strikes, ending with a Ibushi reversing a sliding dropkick into a double stomp. Ospreay reversed the Last Ride and landed a kick followed by Pip Pip Cheerio. He then hit a Sasake Special to the floor to a huge response from the Takamatsu crowd for this G1 Climax 30 main event.
Back in the ring, Ospreay landed a Curtain Call. The two men battled up on the top rope before Ibushi went for a springboard frankensteiner, which Ospreay landed on his feet in a great callback to their previous clashes in this G1 Climax 30 contest. They traded strikes with Ibushi no selling and hitting a stiff chop. Ibushi hit a German Suplex with a bridge for a near fall.
Ibushi followed up with a Bomaye for a two count. Ospreay reversed a Kamigoye and hit a side Superkick. He looked for a Stormbreaker but Ibushi broke out. Ospreay instead hit a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Will set up for the Hidden Blade, but Ibushi blocked and landed a buzzsaw kick. He then hit the Last Ride sit out powerbomb for a near fall in this G1 Climax 30 encounter.
We got a fast-paced series of reversals, which ended with Ospreay looking for the Oscutter. However, Ibushi landed a V-trigger knee strike in mid air. He quickly followed with the Kamigoye for the win in sixteen minutes. Ibushi got his fourth win and two more points in the G1 Climax 30. He now is the A Block leader.
That was a fantastic display of quickness, counters and exhilarating sequences. These two men have phenomenal chemistry that delivered yet another great match.
Results: Kota Ibushi (8) defeats Will Ospreay (6) via pinfall
Star Rating: ****1/4