What's the story?
When Sexy Star decided to turn a work into a shoot at TripleMania after she took her frustrations out on RoseMary's arm it caused a ton of problems for her. The simple fact is you don't do that... ever!
Plenty of fans and pro wrestlers have spoken out against Sexy Star and Jim Cornette had plenty to say about it too.
In case you didn't know...
Pro wrestling might appear like a treacherous climate backstage to the passive observer, but in reality, there is a brotherhood/sisterhood and a trust held within everyone in the business. They put their body on the line to each other and have to rely on their opponent's cooperation to excel in any contest.
When Sexy Star kept Rosemary in an armbar at TripleMania and dislocated her arm it caused a lot of outrage. She soon found herself the focus of an outright blackballing situation in the pro wrestling business.
The heart of the matter
Jim Cornette has seen a lot in the pro wrestling business. He's witnessed guys get kicked out of pro wrestling after going into business for themselves in the same way before. But this is 2017 and things can't be settled in the bowels of a locker room with physical retribution.
However, what Cornette can do is go off about it on his podcast, The Jim Cornette Experience, which is exactly what he did. Thanks to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.
"Sexy Star, what's her f*cking major malfunction? Do we know yet just why she went nuts and dislocated -- and I met Rosemary at the Global Force Wrestling tapings and she seemed to be a very nice girl"
The should-be WWE Hall Of Famer went on to bury Sexy Star, but more importantly, he tried as hard as he could to figure out what Sexy Star might have been thinking when she betrayed the trust she had been given in pro wrestling.
Jim Cornette also brought up the fact that had she known she was walking into a real fight, Rosemary might have been able to do a lot of damage to Sexy Star before she ever had a chance to latch on that armbar.
"But what the f*ck? What's the matter with this b*tch? Apparently, she's some big hood-de-doo and she's hot sh-t down there and has some enemies over her attitude or whatever and everybody's asking me to comment on it so she should be boiled in oil and the fat sold for soap. There's probably no fat on her she looks like she's as big around as a f*cking hiccup. Rosemary probably could have kicked her f*cking ass had she known she was fixing to be in a legitimate confrontation."
It baffled Jim Cornette that Sexy Star would do this. He proposed a ban on her and never let her work in the business again and praised people like Cody Rhodes who have said they'll never share a locker room with her.
Even though Jim might agree with the steps that have been taken to ban Sexy Star from the business, her actions still confuse him to no end.
"Yes they should fire this girl but I don't know what else to say. Did she have a f*cking bad acid trip? Why would you just start doing this sh*t?"
What's next?
Sexy Star has an incredible hurdle to leap over if she ever wants to be welcomed back into a pro wrestling locker room. As stated above, pro wrestling requires trust and respect for the business.
In doing what she did to Rosemary, Sexy Star demonstrated not only a breach of trust but also dishonour to the entire pro wrestling business.
Author's take
All I can say is good luck Sexy Star. If she ever gets booked on a pro wrestling show it will have to take someone very brave allowing her to wrestle again. Sexy Star is not only a liability insurance-wise, but is bad press, too.
It might only be a matter of time before Sexy Star's name is right up there with Lord Voldemort's being "she who must not be named." Although comparing her to Voldemort is probably too good for her at this point.
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