The Post-Match Burial

But, wait! A hooded figure attacks! It's definitely not Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy in a Wal Mart Halloween costume, no! It's The Executioner! He hits The Undertaker with a definitely-not-fake axe and sends him into the gravesite while Mankind clambers out. If you can't tell, this is where it gets silly.
Mankind, Bearer, and The Executioner start to bury The Deadman (Foley throwing dirt on like a dog is a nice touch), but it's slow going, so we do the Royal Rumble 1994 finish where every heel who is still in costume and who hasn't already left for Fort Wayne comes out (Goldust, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Crush, and Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw) to help with the burial [insert Triple H joke here].
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This portion is long. SO long. So much longer than the Bearer turn at SummerSlam. It takes forever for the heels to get out there, then even longer for them to finish filling the grave (later iterations of this match, as I understand it, fixed this problem with construction equipment).
After what seems like forever, peals of thunder start, which scare off everyone but Mankind, Paul Bearer, and The Executioner. Once those three depart, lightning hits the grave and a maybe animatronic (but definitely emerging from the wrong spot based on where the Undertaker was during the burial) emerges for the Carrie ending and... just waves around for a while like a sea snake.