Giulia, originally named Eimi Gloria Matsudo, is an English-born skilled grappler of Italian-Japanese nationality. As of November 2024, she competes under the NXT brand as part of her contract with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Prior to her WWE career, she competed in various promotions, including New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), World Wonder Ring Stardom (ST★RDOM), Ice Ribbon, and other independent circuits.
During her time in these prestigious promotions, Giulia held several championships, including the Strong Women's Championship (once), World of Stardom Championship (once), Wonder of Stardom Championship (once), Artist of Stardom Championship (twice), and the International Ribbon Tag Team Championship once with former Japanese wrestler Tequila Saya. In recognition of her rising prominence in the wrestling world, ESPN also ranked her No. 11 on their list of the 30 best professional wrestlers under the age of 30 in 2023.
Giulia’s Ethnicity
Giulia has a diverse ethnic background, with both Italian and Japanese roots. Her mother is of Japanese descent, while her father is Italian, giving her a rich blend of both cultures.
Giulia’s Nationality
As of November 2024, Giulia holds dual nationality, Italian and Japanese, which also reflects her rich ethnic background. Prior to entering the world of professional wrestling, she worked as a hostess at a cabaret club by night and also managed her parents' Italian restaurant as per Sportiva.
Giulia’s Birthplace
Giulia was born on February 21, 1994, in London, England. However, she later moved to Japan, where she was raised and trained as a wrestler under the mentorship of Hideki Suzuki, Milano Collection A.T., Mio Shirai, and Tsukasa Fujimoto.
Also read: What is Giulia's age?
Giulia’s Hometown
Giulia's hometown is Chiba Prefecture, located in the Kantō region of Honshu Island, Japan. Born in London, England, she relocated to Chiba with her parents when she was one. At 16, she started working in her parents' restaurant and eventually became its manager by the age of 18. She then pursued studies abroad in the United States before returning to Japan to enroll in a vocational school for hair and makeup. Right before starting her wrestling career, she also worked at a cabaret club as a hostess at night as per Sportiva.
FAQs on Giulia's Ethnicity
A. Giulia NXT is from Chiba city, Japan.
A. No, Giulia is the Italian equivalent of the feminine given name Julia.
A. Giulia is an English born Italian-Japanese professional wrestler.
A. Giulia is billed from Tokyo, Japan.