#4 Defeating The Rock At Backlash 2003
Goldberg made his WWE debut on March 31, 2003 when a cocky heel version of The Rock was talking about how great he is. He was ready to finish a speech when suddenly, Bill Goldberg was shown walking in the arena and he met The Rock with a devastating spear much to the delight of the crowd.
Over the next month, they built up to Goldberg's first televised match in WWE as he was set to face The Rock at Backlash.
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It was a really good feud since Rock did everything he could to annoy Goldberg, who really didn't speak a lot. Goldberg always let his actions do the talking for him, which is what made his character work so well.
When they got to Backlash, most fans online knew that The Rock was leaving WWE as a full-time wrestler to pursue his Hollywood career, which obviously was a smart move for him in retrospect. Before he left, though, he apparently thought enough of Goldberg to really put him over clean.
Their Backlash match went about 13 minutes and while most people may not remember it as a classic, it was a significant moment in Goldberg's career because he got to beat one of WWE's biggest stars ever in his first WWE match. Goldberg beat The Rock with a Spear followed by a Jackhammer.