#3 Greatest Royal Rumble: Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar(c) in a Steel Cage for the Universal Championship

This match was better than their previous encounter at WrestleMania 34. The crowd wasn't nearly as hostile as the New Orleans crowd was at WrestleMania. The steel cage stipulation helped the match a lot and made it an interesting affair. The ring-work was on par with their standards.
Despite the buzz created by their previous encounter's finish, the match failed to live up to expectations as the ending was just awfully executed. Roman Reigns spearing Lesnar through the cage did make for a great moment, but the controversial final decision made by the referee was what brought the match's quality down.
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Fans wanted a decisive winner to this feud. This match was supposed to end their terrible feud, but to the groans of many fans, it served the purpose to further intensify their feud.
The awful part is that Lesnar hasn't been seen in WWE since.
Grade: C-
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