#2.Hell in A Cell 2010

In the eyes of many fans, Hell in A Cell 2010 was a colossal failure and a massive disappointment.
Firstly, The main-event between The Undertaker and Kane was utterly atrocious and horrendous to watch. Paul Bearer's betrayal was unnecessary and didn't do the rivalry much good. The match between Wade Barret and John Cena was overbooked with too much of outside interference. Barret winning was the right decision, but a clean victory would have solidified him as a main-eventer. Edge defeated Jack Swagger in a random match with no stakes and the women's match was definitely a bathroom break.
With the exclusion of the WWE Championship and United States Championship contests, the action was sloppy, plodding and underwhelming. Randy Orton and Sheamus put on the match of the night whereas Daniel Bryan, The Miz and John Morrison worked an acceptable match.
Overall, Hell in A Cell 2010 was one of the worst shows of the year.
Grade: D