#4. Hell in A Cell 2012

Hell in A Cell 2012 was a forgettable show and it was long forgotten a month after the event took place It was a night marred with lackluster action, indecisive finishes and questionable booking decisions.
The show featured only one Hell in A Cell match between CM Punk and Ryback, which was a disappointing and horrendous affair. The match shouldn't have taken place inside the steel structure as the rivalry wasn't good enough for the historic structure.
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Moreover, the contest was cut short by a screw-job when the referee, Brad Maddox, hit a low blow and counted to 3 seconds within a blink of an eye. I understand that Ryback had to be protected but Punk should've done the low blow himself to get the victory. Nevertheless, the lone highlight of the match was Ryback's Shell-Shock atop of the cell.
Big Show and Sheamus went way longer than it had any right to be. The two didn't have good chemistry at all and this match was living proof of that. The tag-team match ended in disqualification and was doomed to fail from the get-go. The rest of the under-card was filler and disappointing.
The only savior of the show was the opening thriller between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio, which was undoubtedly the match of the night.
Grade: D+