#2 Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman

This angle has been horrible, in stark contrast to their excellent feud last year. It's at that point that we should remember that these two have great chemistry together. They've been involved in almost every kind of match except for this one and there's certainly intrigue in seeing them inside the cell for the first time. For two people that tried to murder one another multiple times last year, a Hell in a Cell match should be a natural environment.
Reigns is miscast as the babyface here and again, that's going to be apparent on Sunday, but it shouldn't take away from the contest itself so long as it isn't an overbooked mess. WWE must avoid trying to make Roman Reigns a sympathetic figure.
And hopefully, Mick Foley's presence is benign and doesn't detract from the match for some kind of overbooked angle.
Absent overbooking, this should be great.