This week on Monday Night Raw, we were introduced to WWE's newest main roster championship, the 24/7 title. Mick Foley was the man who had the honor of presenting the new championship to the main roster.
What was noticed upon the reveal of the title was the bad design of the belt. The WWE fans in attendance were quick to boo the new title out of the building on Raw. WWE has had a massive problem with their belt designs over the past few years, with the Universal title being criticized upon being revealed. The former Divas Championship butterfly belt received heavy scrutiny from fans as well over the design.
If this title has any hope of surviving the wrath of the fans, WWE needs to make changes to the whole concept immediately. One of the first changes they should certainly make is the championship name.
The 24/7 name gives it no purpose and basically means you are defending a title that holds no meaning. The other titles are world titles, mid-card titles, and once there was a hardcore championship. Giving it a proper name that has meaning behind it and states what the title is for will give the belt a reason to exist and be taken seriously.
WWE would be better off renaming it the Hardcore Title. To me, it is the best possible outcome for this title to exist. Other names just wouldn't seem to fit if it's to be defended 24/7. The name alone would speak for itself in determining what the rules are for defending it. Not only defending it 24/7 but using weapons and objects to help get the title.
In a way, it would be great seeing a modern version of the Hardcore Title, but it just seems like a desperate attempt at a rating boost. It already feels that way now with the current concept, due to how the segment last night was eerily similar to an attitude era hardcore title defense.
The problem is, a lot of WWE's ideas are just outdated in today's world and don't have the same effect they used to.
If they want to blend it in with modern day TV, it needs to be defended at sensible times. We don't want to see wrestlers chasing each other all night long and ruining the show. Picking the time to do this is vital and could replace the random matches in the middle of Raw. Also, it is a title that could be used on Main Event to boost interest in the show.
The 24/7 rule doesn't have to exist for a long period of time either. Maybe to give the title an ounce of legitimacy, it can be something that is changed every now and then to shake it up a bit. That would make it slightly different from before because it wasn't used in an effective way last time such a title existed.
Ultimately, I'll give props to WWE for trying. The idea was there but the execution and concept aren't quite what it needs to be. They did try to make this idea a hit and to blend it in with the times, but it just hasn't quite worked yet.
The best the company can do is to sit down and work out ways to get this concept over with fans. I believe if they tweak things a bit with this title, it may just work out.
It may not have been the greatest concept WWE has come up with, but at least they are trying. They just need to realize that not every concept from the past will work today. WWE is getting desperate to retain its viewers.
With TV Networks demanding answers for bad ratings, AEW about to have their first show, and the amount of unhappy talent growing, Vince must be in a state of real panic. It wouldn't be surprising if he isn't listening to anybody else at the moment and is making all decisions himself.
The frustration is growing for WWE, and the impending war with AEW is already starting to heat up. Sooner or later, Vince will realize that he needs to listen and accept advice.
I'm sure that this idea could work if the proper people put their heads together and work it out. We also need to see how it plays out over the next few weeks before we write it off entirely. Sometimes we just need to let things grow on us, and this might be one of those ideas that need to age properly.