If you watched the first ever ‘NXT Arrival’, then you will have most definitely witnessed two great matches in Sami Zayn Versus Cesaro and Paige Versus Emma. This shows what NXT superstars are capable of and they are in no way inferior to the members of the main roster as far as wrestling skills go. The one specific reason I mention the ‘NXT Arrival’ episode is that during their superb match, Emma attempted a powerbomb on Paige and the crowd made sure they let them know how good it was. So they started chanting, “Better than Batista”. This is one of the many outstanding moments that make the main event at this year’s Wrestlemania seem more and more redundant.
Let’s analyze, for the umpteenth time, Batista’s run since January. Oh wait, that was only a month ago!
In a month the audience reaction to Batista has gone from a roar to a furor. If there is anything that has been consistent in the WWE in the past one month is Cesaro’s brilliant matches, Bryan’s Yes Movement and the boos that Batista gets. I mean, Batista even made Alberto Del Rio look more interesting. If you thought that his MMA career was the one major disappointment in his career, this recent run with the WWE might be even worse.
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He could have hardly imagined how potent Daniel Bryan has become in the WWE and now in Popular Culture. It’s not only Batista who got the ire of the Rumble crowd but even Rey Mysterio who the company most probably intentionally sent out at number 30. It is just that Mysterio is sure to not enjoy the kind of push Batista is getting. The one thing I would say in Batista’s favor is that he is there very week so technically he does not qualify as a part time wrestler at present. But he is still rusty in the ring and hasn’t really got the arena on fire with his performance. It is becoming more and more clear each week that the crowd couldn’t care less about Batista and even of Orton is getting the treatment of the heel, Batista seems to be, unintentionally, the better heel.
Maybe the WWE wanted him to turn heel eventually. His gratuitous handshakes with the atrocious Authority were only a recurring factor. But the heel turn is coming fast and with Wrestlemania just around the corner, the Creative have to pull a masterstroke to redeem Batista’s face character. Miracle would be a better word.
One intriguing thing that can be done is in the coming weeks make Orton seem more and more sympathetic as Batista automatically gets unsympathetic reactions from the crowd. In the coming episode of Raw, Chicago might just provide a preview of what Wrestlemania might really look like. The fact that Raw will be held in ‘Punkhouse’. The crowd will be in quite a mood. If WWE plans to confiscate signs and throw out people from the arena, rest assured that the entire arena might get empty. It is expected that the atmosphere be as such and it’ll be interesting to see what the WWE plans to do with such a situation.
‘Bootista’, ‘Better than Batista’ are just some of the many new chants that might appear in the following weeks.
The Authority can come into the picture as they do in every frame of every picture and lend Batista a hand which makes Orton more and more insecure and this can pave way for some good promos with Orton saying as it is about Batista that the audience agrees with. Last Monday was just a sample of a bigger picture.
Batista’s character will get more and more unsympathetic as we get closer to Wrestlemania. The audience seems to be not giving up on booing Batista out of the building.
Either Batista can remain a doormat as a face or he can actually be on a roll as a heel.