#4 He sometimes got his hands dirty

The Fink's primary role was that of WWE's most prominent ring announcer throughout the 1980s and much of the 1990s.
That's not to say, however, that the man didn't sometimes get involved in the show itself from time to time. One of the most memorable of these moments came in 1998 at SummerSlam, the event once again staged at Madison Square Garden.
He had been a victim of Jeff Jarrett before the event. Jarrett had gone on a spree of cutting the hair of opponents after he'd beaten them, and did so to The Fink too, in a move that didn't go down well with Howard's fans. Things came to a head for Jarrett though, when he met X-Pac at SummerSlam and lost a Hair vs Hair match, meaning his long locks were also set to go. X-Pac, sensing the irony, offered The Fink the sweet taste of revenge and it was the underdog who came into the ring to help give Jarrett a good sheering.
That isn't all - Howard's WrestleMania 9 outfit (above) was one of the major talking points of the event. And, speaking of WrestleMania moments...