The Hulkster Hulk Hogan has got some relief when it comes to his defamation lawsuit against regarding his sex tape. The Florida judge who was looking over the matters barred media outlets from releasing the tape in the public domain.
The tape will be sealed and will not be issued publicly which is a strict order from the judge. Hogan can breathe a sigh of relief after a recent spate of controversies hitting him, that has dented his public image and the relationship with the WWE.
When it comes to the WWE it seems the biggest wrestling promotion in the world is working out a way in bringing their biggest back into the WWE in some role. To weeks ago on RAW, the WWE showed a clip of from Sting vs Hulk Hogan from Starrcade and it was thought to be an error on the part of the WWE. It has turned out to be an intentional reference as Vince McMahon has realized it is impossible to erase Hulk from the history books.
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The recent heat on Hogan as being dying down steadily and the WWE would soon start building their relationship with the legend again even though they are still a bit annoyed after his media tour that ended recently. Nevertheless, Vince knows the magnitude of Hogan’s legacy and it will be time until Hogan is seen in the WWE ring giving in his anecdotes on the events.
The reports suggest that Hogan merchandise would be going back up for sale soon, which is an indication of the improving image WWE have of Hogan and a welcome news for the Hulkster.