# 4 Difference: Different Era

For as long as one can remember, Cena and Hogan have been at the top of the WWE. Barring the Attitude Era, Cena and Hogan have been at the mountaintop ever since Vince McMahon took the company from being a territorial promotion to a worldwide leader in the industry. Hogan had a long run as the top star lasted for the entirety of the '80s to the early '90s before the Hulkster jumped ship to the WCW. But the fact that they ruled the roost during different eras had an enormous effect on their respective careers.
When Hogan was at the top of the game, pro wrestling was perceived to competitive sports and the illusion behind sports entertainment was still intact to a certain degree. People hardly had any source of wrestling news and scoops from the business, unlike today where they are numerous wrestling news sites. People were not aware of the backstage process and went along with what the promoter/booker presented to them. It is almost impossible to imagine Hogan during his heyday but if the Hogan would've been an active superstar, we are pretty sure that he would get the Roman Reigns treatment by the fans.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
When Cena began his run as the top star of the company, the internet had already blown-up and fans were up to date with the nitty-gritty of the business and therefore rejected the Doctor of Thugannomics, in spite of him being a babyface. Fans wanted other superstars to be given the opportunities that Cena got and when the company decided to stick with its plan, the fans revolted and expressed their displeasure against the company. Fans in the '90s and early 2000s never cared about backstage scoops and how the business operated and were just there for the ride. Had internet been there in the '90s, who knows even Hulk Hogan would've got booed out of the building.