#1 Difference: Character Progression

One of the biggest criticisms about John Cena's character over the past one and half decade has been the company's inability to have Cena turn heel. Cena has spent the majority of his time in the WWE as a babyface in spite of the fact that he was a great heel during his initial run in the company. Although the idea of a Cena heel turn was reportedly in the works, things never really got the greenlight as Vince McMahon never got behind the idea of seeing his top star as a heel.
In hindsight, Hulk Hogan's career wouldn't have turned out the way it did had he not turned heel and joined the nWo. It is safe to say Hogan's heel prolonged his in-ring career and without nWo, the Hulkster's career would've been finished by the time he came to WCW. Hogan turning heel was one of the most pivotal moments in wrestling history and led to the 'Monday Night Wars'. This was the most successful period in the business and is something which most likely won't be repeated ever again.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
We aren't likely to see Cena turn heel anytime soon as the man himself has admitted multiple times that he isn't very keen on going to the dark side. But, it is safe to say to the Cenation Leader's heel turn would've been one for the ages, but for now, we can only assume what would've been the landscape of the company had it actually happened.