Impact of Roman Reigns pulling out of WrestleMania | Dropkick DiSKussions podcast
Join Korey Gunz and wrestling expert Tom Colohue as they run through the hot topics of the week, and diSKuss what the future could hold in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, especially after a statewide lockdown was ordered in the state of Florida. Should WWE have postponed WrestleMania with everything going on in the world?
The other hot topic of the week concerns the status of Ronda Rousey's return, especially after WWE replayed a video of her match at WrestleMania. Will she make a comeback at WrestleMania, at Shayna Baszler's side?
The Undertaker reverted to his classic biker persona this week, and our experts diSKuss this transformation in detail. They also take fan questions to close out the show.
Be sure to tune in.